JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model  1.2.1 (08 Aug 2024)
An Open Source Flight Dynamics and Control Software Library in C++
FGMatrix33 Class Reference

Detailed Description

Handles matrix math operations.

Tony Peden, Jon Berndt, Mathias Froelich

Definition at line 69 of file FGMatrix33.h.

#include <FGMatrix33.h>

Public Types

enum  { eRows = 3 , eColumns = 3 }

Public Member Functions

 FGMatrix33 (const double m11, const double m12, const double m13, const double m21, const double m22, const double m23, const double m31, const double m32, const double m33)
 Initialization by given values. More...
 FGMatrix33 (const FGMatrix33 &M)
 Copy constructor. More...
 FGMatrix33 (void)
 Default initializer. More...
 ~FGMatrix33 (void)
unsigned int Cols (void) const
 Number of cloumns in the matrix. More...
double Determinant (void) const
 Determinant of the matrix. More...
std::string Dump (const std::string &delimeter) const
 Prints the contents of the matrix. More...
std::string Dump (const std::string &delimiter, const std::string &prefix) const
 Prints the contents of the matrix. More...
double & Entry (unsigned int row, unsigned int col)
 Write access the entries of the matrix. More...
double Entry (unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const
 Read access the entries of the matrix. More...
FGColumnVector3 GetEuler () const
 Returns the Euler angle column vector associated with this matrix.
FGQuaternion GetQuaternion (void) const
 Returns the quaternion associated with this direction cosine (rotation) matrix.
void InitMatrix (const double m11, const double m12, const double m13, const double m21, const double m22, const double m23, const double m31, const double m32, const double m33)
 Initialize the matrix. More...
void InitMatrix (void)
 Initialize the matrix. More...
FGMatrix33 Inverse (void) const
 Return the inverse of the matrix. More...
bool Invertible (void) const
 Return if the matrix is invertible. More...
double & operator() (unsigned int row, unsigned int col)
 Write access the entries of the matrix. More...
double operator() (unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const
 Read access the entries of the matrix. More...
FGMatrix33 operator* (const double scalar) const
 Multiply the matrix with a scalar. More...
FGColumnVector3 operator* (const FGColumnVector3 &v) const
 Matrix vector multiplication. More...
FGMatrix33 operator* (const FGMatrix33 &B) const
 Matrix product. More...
FGMatrix33operator*= (const double scalar)
 In place matrix scale. More...
FGMatrix33operator*= (const FGMatrix33 &B)
 In place matrix multiplication. More...
FGMatrix33 operator+ (const FGMatrix33 &B) const
 Matrix addition. More...
FGMatrix33operator+= (const FGMatrix33 &B)
 In place matrix addition. More...
FGMatrix33 operator- (const FGMatrix33 &B) const
 Matrix subtraction. More...
FGMatrix33operator-= (const FGMatrix33 &B)
 In place matrix subtraction. More...
FGMatrix33 operator/ (const double scalar) const
 Multiply the matrix with 1.0/scalar. More...
FGMatrix33operator/= (const double scalar)
 In place matrix scale. More...
FGMatrix33operator= (const FGMatrix33 &A)
 Assignment operator. More...
FGMatrix33operator= (std::initializer_list< double > lv)
 Assignment operator. More...
unsigned int Rows (void) const
 Number of rows in the matrix. More...
void T (void)
 Transposes this matrix. More...
FGMatrix33 Transposed (void) const
 Transposed matrix. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FGMatrix33() [1/3]

FGMatrix33 ( void  )

Default initializer.

Create a zero matrix.

Definition at line 58 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

59 {
60  data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[3] = data[4] = data[5] =
61  data[6] = data[7] = data[8] = 0.0;
62 }

◆ FGMatrix33() [2/3]

FGMatrix33 ( const FGMatrix33 M)

Copy constructor.

MMatrix which is used for initialization.

Create copy of the matrix given in the argument.

Definition at line 90 of file FGMatrix33.h.

91  {
92  data[0] = M.data[0];
93  data[1] = M.data[1];
94  data[2] = M.data[2];
95  data[3] = M.data[3];
96  data[4] = M.data[4];
97  data[5] = M.data[5];
98  data[6] = M.data[6];
99  data[7] = M.data[7];
100  data[8] = M.data[8];
101  }

◆ FGMatrix33() [3/3]

FGMatrix33 ( const double  m11,
const double  m12,
const double  m13,
const double  m21,
const double  m22,
const double  m23,
const double  m31,
const double  m32,
const double  m33 

Initialization by given values.

m11value of the 1,1 Matrix element.
m12value of the 1,2 Matrix element.
m13value of the 1,3 Matrix element.
m21value of the 2,1 Matrix element.
m22value of the 2,2 Matrix element.
m23value of the 2,3 Matrix element.
m31value of the 3,1 Matrix element.
m32value of the 3,2 Matrix element.
m33value of the 3,3 Matrix element.

Create a matrix from the doubles given in the arguments.

Definition at line 117 of file FGMatrix33.h.

120  {
121  data[0] = m11;
122  data[1] = m21;
123  data[2] = m31;
124  data[3] = m12;
125  data[4] = m22;
126  data[5] = m32;
127  data[6] = m13;
128  data[7] = m23;
129  data[8] = m33;
130  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ Cols()

unsigned int Cols ( void  ) const

Number of cloumns in the matrix.

the number of columns in the matrix.

Definition at line 214 of file FGMatrix33.h.

214 { return eColumns; }

◆ Determinant()

double Determinant ( void  ) const

Determinant of the matrix.

the determinant of the matrix.

Definition at line 221 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

221  {
222  return data[0]*data[4]*data[8] + data[3]*data[7]*data[2]
223  + data[6]*data[1]*data[5] - data[6]*data[4]*data[2]
224  - data[3]*data[1]*data[8] - data[7]*data[5]*data[0];
225 }

◆ Dump() [1/2]

string Dump ( const std::string &  delimeter) const

Prints the contents of the matrix.

delimeterthe item separator (tab or comma)
a string with the delimeter-separated contents of the matrix

Definition at line 66 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

67 {
68  ostringstream buffer;
69  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[0] << delimiter;
70  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[3] << delimiter;
71  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[6] << delimiter;
72  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[1] << delimiter;
73  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[4] << delimiter;
74  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[7] << delimiter;
75  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[2] << delimiter;
76  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[5] << delimiter;
77  buffer << setw(12) << setprecision(10) << data[8];
78  return buffer.str();
79 }

◆ Dump() [2/2]

string Dump ( const std::string &  delimiter,
const std::string &  prefix 
) const

Prints the contents of the matrix.

delimeterthe item separator (tab or comma, etc.)
prefixan additional prefix that is used to indent the 3X3 matrix printout
a string with the delimeter-separated contents of the matrix

Definition at line 83 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

84 {
85  ostringstream buffer;
87  buffer << prefix << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[0] << delimiter;
88  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[3] << delimiter;
89  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[6] << endl;
91  buffer << prefix << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[1] << delimiter;
92  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[4] << delimiter;
93  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[7] << endl;
95  buffer << prefix << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[2] << delimiter;
96  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[5] << delimiter;
97  buffer << right << fixed << setw(9) << setprecision(6) << data[8];
99  buffer << setw(0) << left;
101  return buffer.str();
102 }

◆ Entry() [1/2]

double& Entry ( unsigned int  row,
unsigned int  col 

Write access the entries of the matrix.

This function is just a shortcut for the double& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) function. It is used internally to access the elements in a more convenient way.

Note that the indices given in the arguments are unchecked.

rowRow index.
colColumn index.
a reference to the matrix entry at the given row and column indices. Indices are counted starting with 1.

Definition at line 202 of file FGMatrix33.h.

202  {
203  return data[(col-1)*eRows+row-1];
204  }

◆ Entry() [2/2]

double Entry ( unsigned int  row,
unsigned int  col 
) const

Read access the entries of the matrix.

This function is just a shortcut for the double& operator()(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) function. It is used internally to access the elements in a more convenient way.

Note that the indices given in the arguments are unchecked.

rowRow index.
colColumn index.
the value of the matrix entry at the given row and column indices. Indices are counted starting with 1.

Definition at line 185 of file FGMatrix33.h.

185  {
186  return data[(col-1)*eRows+row-1];
187  }

◆ InitMatrix() [1/2]

void InitMatrix ( const double  m11,
const double  m12,
const double  m13,
const double  m21,
const double  m22,
const double  m23,
const double  m31,
const double  m32,
const double  m33 

Initialize the matrix.

This function initializes a matrix to user specified values.

Definition at line 240 of file FGMatrix33.h.

243  {
244  data[0] = m11;
245  data[1] = m21;
246  data[2] = m31;
247  data[3] = m12;
248  data[4] = m22;
249  data[5] = m32;
250  data[6] = m13;
251  data[7] = m23;
252  data[8] = m33;
253  }

◆ InitMatrix() [2/2]

void InitMatrix ( void  )

Initialize the matrix.

This function initializes a matrix to all 0.0.

Definition at line 259 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

260 {
261  data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[3] = data[4] = data[5] =
262  data[6] = data[7] = data[8] = 0.0;
263 }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Inverse()

FGMatrix33 Inverse ( void  ) const

Return the inverse of the matrix.

Computes and returns if the inverse of the matrix. It is computed by Cramers Rule. Also there are no checks performed if the matrix is invertible. If you are not sure that it really is check this with the Invertible() call before.

Definition at line 229 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

229  {
230  // Compute the inverse of a general matrix using Cramers rule.
231  // I guess googling for cramers rule gives tons of references
232  // for this. :)
234  if (Determinant() != 0.0) {
235  double rdet = 1.0/Determinant();
237  double i11 = rdet*(data[4]*data[8]-data[7]*data[5]);
238  double i21 = rdet*(data[7]*data[2]-data[1]*data[8]);
239  double i31 = rdet*(data[1]*data[5]-data[4]*data[2]);
240  double i12 = rdet*(data[6]*data[5]-data[3]*data[8]);
241  double i22 = rdet*(data[0]*data[8]-data[6]*data[2]);
242  double i32 = rdet*(data[3]*data[2]-data[0]*data[5]);
243  double i13 = rdet*(data[3]*data[7]-data[6]*data[4]);
244  double i23 = rdet*(data[6]*data[1]-data[0]*data[7]);
245  double i33 = rdet*(data[0]*data[4]-data[3]*data[1]);
247  return FGMatrix33( i11, i12, i13,
248  i21, i22, i23,
249  i31, i32, i33 );
250  } else {
251  return FGMatrix33( 0, 0, 0,
252  0, 0, 0,
253  0, 0, 0 );
254  }
255 }
double Determinant(void) const
Determinant of the matrix.
Definition: FGMatrix33.cpp:221
Default initializer.
Definition: FGMatrix33.cpp:58

◆ Invertible()

bool Invertible ( void  ) const

Return if the matrix is invertible.

Checks and returns if the matrix is nonsingular and thus invertible. This is done by simply computing the determinant and check if it is zero. Note that this test does not cover any instabilities caused by nearly singular matirces using finite arithmetics. It only checks exact singularity.

Definition at line 275 of file FGMatrix33.h.

275 { return 0.0 != Determinant(); }

◆ operator()() [1/2]

double& operator() ( unsigned int  row,
unsigned int  col 

Write access the entries of the matrix.

Note that the indices given in the arguments are unchecked.

rowRow index.
colColumn index.
a reference to the matrix entry at the given row and column indices. Indices are counted starting with 1.

Definition at line 168 of file FGMatrix33.h.

168  {
169  return data[(col-1)*eRows+row-1];
170  }

◆ operator()() [2/2]

double operator() ( unsigned int  row,
unsigned int  col 
) const

Read access the entries of the matrix.

rowRow index.
colColumn index.
the value of the matrix entry at the given row and column indices. Indices are counted starting with 1.

Definition at line 155 of file FGMatrix33.h.

155  {
156  return data[(col-1)*eRows+row-1];
157  }

◆ operator*() [1/3]

FGMatrix33 operator* ( const double  scalar) const

Multiply the matrix with a scalar.

scalarscalar factor to multiply with.
scaled matrix.

Compute and return the product of the current matrix with the scalar value scalar given in the argument.

Definition at line 333 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

334 {
335  return FGMatrix33( scalar * data[0],
336  scalar * data[3],
337  scalar * data[6],
338  scalar * data[1],
339  scalar * data[4],
340  scalar * data[7],
341  scalar * data[2],
342  scalar * data[5],
343  scalar * data[8] );
344 }

◆ operator*() [2/3]

FGColumnVector3 operator* ( const FGColumnVector3 v) const

Matrix vector multiplication.

vvector to multiply with.
matric vector product.

Compute and return the product of the current matrix with the vector given in the argument.

Definition at line 481 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

482 {
483  double v1 = v(1);
484  double v2 = v(2);
485  double v3 = v(3);
487  double tmp1 = v1*data[0]; //[(col-1)*eRows+row-1]
488  double tmp2 = v1*data[1];
489  double tmp3 = v1*data[2];
491  tmp1 += v2*data[3];
492  tmp2 += v2*data[4];
493  tmp3 += v2*data[5];
495  tmp1 += v3*data[6];
496  tmp2 += v3*data[7];
497  tmp3 += v3*data[8];
499  return FGColumnVector3( tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 );
500 }

◆ operator*() [3/3]

FGMatrix33 operator* ( const FGMatrix33 B) const

Matrix product.

Bmatrix to add to.
product of the matrices.

Compute and return the product of the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 380 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

381 {
382  FGMatrix33 Product;
384  Product.data[0] = data[0]*M.data[0] + data[3]*M.data[1] + data[6]*M.data[2];
385  Product.data[3] = data[0]*M.data[3] + data[3]*M.data[4] + data[6]*M.data[5];
386  Product.data[6] = data[0]*M.data[6] + data[3]*M.data[7] + data[6]*M.data[8];
387  Product.data[1] = data[1]*M.data[0] + data[4]*M.data[1] + data[7]*M.data[2];
388  Product.data[4] = data[1]*M.data[3] + data[4]*M.data[4] + data[7]*M.data[5];
389  Product.data[7] = data[1]*M.data[6] + data[4]*M.data[7] + data[7]*M.data[8];
390  Product.data[2] = data[2]*M.data[0] + data[5]*M.data[1] + data[8]*M.data[2];
391  Product.data[5] = data[2]*M.data[3] + data[5]*M.data[4] + data[8]*M.data[5];
392  Product.data[8] = data[2]*M.data[6] + data[5]*M.data[7] + data[8]*M.data[8];
394  return Product;
395 }

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

FGMatrix33 & operator*= ( const double  scalar)

In place matrix scale.

scalarscalar value to multiply with.
reference to the current matrix.

Compute the product of the current matrix and the scalar value scalar given in the argument.

Definition at line 363 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

364 {
365  data[0] *= scalar;
366  data[3] *= scalar;
367  data[6] *= scalar;
368  data[1] *= scalar;
369  data[4] *= scalar;
370  data[7] *= scalar;
371  data[2] *= scalar;
372  data[5] *= scalar;
373  data[8] *= scalar;
375  return *this;
376 }

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

FGMatrix33 & operator*= ( const FGMatrix33 B)

In place matrix multiplication.

Bmatrix to multiply with.
reference to the current matrix.

Compute the product of the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 399 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

400 {
401  // FIXME: Make compiler friendlier
402  double a,b,c;
404  a = data[0]; b=data[3]; c=data[6];
405  data[0] = a*M.data[0] + b*M.data[1] + c*M.data[2];
406  data[3] = a*M.data[3] + b*M.data[4] + c*M.data[5];
407  data[6] = a*M.data[6] + b*M.data[7] + c*M.data[8];
409  a = data[1]; b=data[4]; c=data[7];
410  data[1] = a*M.data[0] + b*M.data[1] + c*M.data[2];
411  data[4] = a*M.data[3] + b*M.data[4] + c*M.data[5];
412  data[7] = a*M.data[6] + b*M.data[7] + c*M.data[8];
414  a = data[2]; b=data[5]; c=data[8];
415  data[2] = a*M.data[0] + b*M.data[1] + c*M.data[2];
416  data[5] = a*M.data[3] + b*M.data[4] + c*M.data[5];
417  data[8] = a*M.data[6] + b*M.data[7] + c*M.data[8];
419  return *this;
420 }

◆ operator+()

FGMatrix33 operator+ ( const FGMatrix33 B) const

Matrix addition.

Bmatrix to add to.
sum of the matrices.

Compute and return the sum of the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 301 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

302 {
303  return FGMatrix33( data[0] + M.data[0],
304  data[3] + M.data[3],
305  data[6] + M.data[6],
306  data[1] + M.data[1],
307  data[4] + M.data[4],
308  data[7] + M.data[7],
309  data[2] + M.data[2],
310  data[5] + M.data[5],
311  data[8] + M.data[8] );
312 }

◆ operator+=()

FGMatrix33 & operator+= ( const FGMatrix33 B)

In place matrix addition.

Bmatrix to add.
reference to the current matrix.

Compute the sum of the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 316 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

317 {
318  data[0] += M.data[0];
319  data[3] += M.data[3];
320  data[6] += M.data[6];
321  data[1] += M.data[1];
322  data[4] += M.data[4];
323  data[7] += M.data[7];
324  data[2] += M.data[2];
325  data[5] += M.data[5];
326  data[8] += M.data[8];
328  return *this;
329 }

◆ operator-()

FGMatrix33 operator- ( const FGMatrix33 B) const

Matrix subtraction.

Bmatrix to add to.
difference of the matrices.

Compute and return the sum of the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 269 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

270 {
271  return FGMatrix33( data[0] - M.data[0],
272  data[3] - M.data[3],
273  data[6] - M.data[6],
274  data[1] - M.data[1],
275  data[4] - M.data[4],
276  data[7] - M.data[7],
277  data[2] - M.data[2],
278  data[5] - M.data[5],
279  data[8] - M.data[8] );
280 }

◆ operator-=()

FGMatrix33 & operator-= ( const FGMatrix33 B)

In place matrix subtraction.

Bmatrix to subtract.
reference to the current matrix.

Compute the diffence from the current matrix and the matrix B given in the argument.

Definition at line 284 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

285 {
286  data[0] -= M.data[0];
287  data[1] -= M.data[1];
288  data[2] -= M.data[2];
289  data[3] -= M.data[3];
290  data[4] -= M.data[4];
291  data[5] -= M.data[5];
292  data[6] -= M.data[6];
293  data[7] -= M.data[7];
294  data[8] -= M.data[8];
296  return *this;
297 }

◆ operator/()

FGMatrix33 operator/ ( const double  scalar) const

Multiply the matrix with 1.0/scalar.

scalarscalar factor to divide through.
scaled matrix.

Compute and return the product of the current matrix with the scalar value 1.0/scalar, where scalar is given in the argument.

Definition at line 424 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

425 {
426  FGMatrix33 Quot;
428  double tmp = 1.0/scalar;
429  Quot.data[0] = data[0] * tmp;
430  Quot.data[3] = data[3] * tmp;
431  Quot.data[6] = data[6] * tmp;
432  Quot.data[1] = data[1] * tmp;
433  Quot.data[4] = data[4] * tmp;
434  Quot.data[7] = data[7] * tmp;
435  Quot.data[2] = data[2] * tmp;
436  Quot.data[5] = data[5] * tmp;
437  Quot.data[8] = data[8] * tmp;
439  return Quot;
440 }

◆ operator/=()

FGMatrix33 & operator/= ( const double  scalar)

In place matrix scale.

scalarscalar value to divide through.
reference to the current matrix.

Compute the product of the current matrix and the scalar value 1.0/scalar, where scalar is given in the argument.

Definition at line 444 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

445 {
446  double tmp = 1.0/scalar;
447  data[0] *= tmp;
448  data[3] *= tmp;
449  data[6] *= tmp;
450  data[1] *= tmp;
451  data[4] *= tmp;
452  data[7] *= tmp;
453  data[2] *= tmp;
454  data[5] *= tmp;
455  data[8] *= tmp;
457  return *this;
458 }

◆ operator=() [1/2]

FGMatrix33& operator= ( const FGMatrix33 A)

Assignment operator.

Asource matrix.

Copy the content of the matrix given in the argument into *this.

Definition at line 291 of file FGMatrix33.h.

292  {
293  data[0] = A.data[0];
294  data[1] = A.data[1];
295  data[2] = A.data[2];
296  data[3] = A.data[3];
297  data[4] = A.data[4];
298  data[5] = A.data[5];
299  data[6] = A.data[6];
300  data[7] = A.data[7];
301  data[8] = A.data[8];
302  return *this;
303  }

◆ operator=() [2/2]

FGMatrix33& operator= ( std::initializer_list< double >  lv)

Assignment operator.

lvinitializer list of at most 9 values.

Copy the content of the list into *this.

Definition at line 310 of file FGMatrix33.h.

311  {
312  double *v = data;
313  for(auto& x: lv) {
314  *v = x;
315  v += 3;
316  if (v-data > 8)
317  v -= 8;
318  }
320  return *this;
321  }

◆ Rows()

unsigned int Rows ( void  ) const

Number of rows in the matrix.

the number of rows in the matrix.

Definition at line 209 of file FGMatrix33.h.

209 { return eRows; }

◆ T()

void T ( void  )

Transposes this matrix.

This function only transposes this matrix. Nothing is returned.

Definition at line 462 of file FGMatrix33.cpp.

463 {
464  double tmp;
466  tmp = data[3];
467  data[3] = data[1];
468  data[1] = tmp;
470  tmp = data[6];
471  data[6] = data[2];
472  data[2] = tmp;
474  tmp = data[7];
475  data[7] = data[5];
476  data[5] = tmp;
477 }

◆ Transposed()

FGMatrix33 Transposed ( void  ) const

Transposed matrix.

This function only returns the transpose of this matrix. This matrix itself remains unchanged.

the transposed matrix.

Definition at line 221 of file FGMatrix33.h.

221  {
222  return FGMatrix33( data[0], data[1], data[2],
223  data[3], data[4], data[5],
224  data[6], data[7], data[8] );
225  }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

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